Where to seek help

It’s okay not to be okay.

If you feel you need help with your mental health, talk with your primary healthcare provider who can then guide you to the professional best suited to your needs.

You can also reach out directly to one of the many organisations on island who are trained to help in the area of mental health.

The following organisations offer help and support to people with mental health problems:

Alex Panton Foundation
e: [email protected]
w: alexpantonfoundation.ky

Alcoholics Anonymous Cayman Islands
t: AA hotline 926-9044
w: caymanaa.org

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Association of the Cayman Islands
t: 924-4170
e: [email protected]

Bethesda Counselling Centre
t: 923-6488
e: [email protected]

Caribbean Haven Residential Centre
t: 947-9992
w: dcs.gov.ky/chrc

Cayman Islands Crisis Centre
t: 949-0366
t: 24-hour crisis line 1-800-534-2422
e: [email protected]
w: cicc.ky

Cayman NA (Narcotics Anonymous)
t: 929-6262
e: [email protected]

The Counselling Centre
t: 949-8789
e: [email protected]

Day Hospital Programme (Occupational Therapy)
Health Services Authority
t: 949-8600
e: [email protected]

Emergency Services
t: 9-1-1

Employee Assistance Programme of the Cayman Islands
t: 949-9559
e: [email protected]

Family Resource Centre
t: 949-0006
e: [email protected]

Grand Cayman Al-Anon
t: 928-8843
w: caymanalanon.com

Health Services Authority
t: 949-8600
t: 948-2243 (Cayman Brac)
e: [email protected]

Infinite Mindcare
t: 926-0882
w: infinitemindcare.com

Loud Silent Voices
t: 922-3847
e: [email protected]

Mental Health Helpline (free and confidential support)
t: 1-800-534-6463

OnCourse Cayman
t: 745-6463
w: oncoursecayman.com

In an emergency, or if you or someone you know is in distress or immediate danger, call the emergency services on 9-1-1.