Any contagious epidemic disease that is deadly. An infectious disease caused by Yersinia pestis that can be spread from animals to humans and is normally spread to humans by fleas (called bubonic plague) or from person to person by respiratory droplets (called pnenmonic plague). Both forms have a high death rate.
Sean Childers – The path to paediatric dentistry
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry refers to pediatric dentists as the “big authority on little teeth,” and how true this is. The specialized...
Skin cancer: Protection and early detection are key
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States, with approximately 9,500 people diagnosed per day, and melanoma rates having...
Improve your health with meditation
With today’s always-on digital culture, it’s important to take some time to switch off. Being inundated daily with notifications, alerts, phone calls and messages can...