Porter, Wayne Dr.

    Dr. Wayne Porter Dermatologist
    282 Crewe Road
    George Town
    Grand Cayman

    Phone: 345-946-9020
    Website: www.drwayneportercayman.com
    Email: [email protected]
    Office Hours:
    Appointments by request

    Dr. Wayne Porter gained a Bachelor of Science (Biology) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology followed by a doctor of medicine degree from Duke University School of Medicine. He interned and completed residencies in Internal Medicine and Dermatology at Jackson Memorial Hospital/University of Miami Affiliated Hospitals.

     Dr. Porter has extensive experience and regularly sees patients at his Cayman clinic as well as being a consultant at Jackson Memorial Medical Center.

    As well as providing traditional dermatology services, such as treatment of skin cancer, moles, acne and rashes, Dr. Porter has an interest in cosmetic dermatology and cosmetic skin enhancements. These services include collagen injections and implants, removal or age spots and skin discoloration, microdermabrasion, laser hair removal and facial peels.